Complete Beginners Course


New runners are welcome any week, but would ideally be able to run 3 miles.

We currently meet in;

The Sea Cadets Hall
Trinity Walk,
Oldbury Road,
GL20 5NP

Parking at Spring Gardens Car Park,GL20 5LR  (Old Cascades Swimming Pool) –

Oldbury Rd and walk past the Trinity church and take first alleyway on the left.  Or park around the back of the gravel area and take the alleyway in bottom corner to the hall.

The next 10 week beginners course will start on a Tuesday, at 6pm, DATE TO BE ADVISED

The course costs £30  payable on the first night.    This is for 10 consecutive weeks.

You will receive your very own personalised free Finishers T-shirt on Week 10 !!

What do I get for my Money?

Tuition from fully qualified and insured UK Athletics Coaches.  Great information each week on: What to Wear, Health Benefits of Running, Diets and Nutrition, Setting Goals, Breathing and Pace, Stretching, Strength & Conditioning, Cross Training.

No one is left behind
Sessions are structured so that no one is left behind and no one is made to feel like they aren’t achieving. The Coaches will go from person to person identifying their strengths and weaknesses and providing specific instruction, advice and motivation as suitable to each person.


ar beg july 17  beginners-nov-16


Your own Personal Trainer
At any time you will be able to ask your coach for assistance and further information. You will also be pushed hard in each session, sometimes out of your comfort zone, but never more than you can handle. Our coaches have years of experience and know how to get the best from each individual. Plus you will be able to see how hard everyone else is working and this will spur you on.

Natural High
At the end of each session you will have achieved something new and in many cases it will be something you never thought possible. You will be on a natural high and looking forward to the next session.

Please click on the link below for more Questions and Answers to help you.

Q&A For Beginners Course

Contact Kathy Lewis at  or

find us on Facebook – Tewkesbury AllRunners Group